ACP company’s new machinations and illegalities concerning the exploitation of Teghut mine due to the indulgence of RA Government emerged . The initiative assess this as a criminal crime the investigation of which should be carried out by Special Investigation Service.
They call for the conscious public not to let the illegal exploitation of our natural resources and take part in the decision-making processes concerning our life.
On December 21, 13:00 interested people were invited to Mashtots park for presenting the current situation in details.
The members of Civic Initiative for Protection of Teghut presented the current situation, the illegalities revealed and the actions planned from civic platform.
The Civic Initiative for Protection of Teghut also presented the manifest and principles of the initiative and called for active participation and support of the society.
Further a march to the RA Prosecutor’s Office was implemented where the initiative passed publicly the materials to the Special Investigation Service by demanding to investigate the case for punishing those who’re guilty.
The priority principles of the Civic Initiative for Protection of Teghut;
1. to stop the exploitation of Teghut mine
2. to recover the damage
3. to punish the authorities responsible for illegal decisions and private companies who were involved in the criminal project of Teghut
4. to eliminate the corruption in mining industry
ACTV project
Focus art NGO
Address: 4 Charents str., apt. 37, 0025 Yerevan, Armenia
phone: +374 55 781874
ACTV նախագիծ. Ֆոկուս արվեստի ՀԿ Բոլոր նյութերն օգտագործելի և տարածելի են՝ միմիայն հեղինակի անունը նշելու և կայքի ակտիվ հղումը տեղադրելու պարտադիր պայմանով և ոչ առևտրային նպատակներով։ ACTV project. Focus Art NGO. All content on the website is free for use for non-commercial purposes and share-alike provided that authors and active links of materials are mentioned.