How is the notion ‘public’ perceived today? Are its hypotheses clear and distinct? Is there any connection between the way the concept ‘public’ is perceived and the social structure? To what extent are the borders among the public, the social, the state, and the private tangible?
The series of interviews held in the streets, squares, parks, and yards is an attempt to get informed about the opinions and ideas circulating in different social groups, and at the same time to promote the process of rethinking and redefining the above-mentioned concepts.
ACTV project
Focus art NGO
Address: 4 Charents str., apt. 37, 0025 Yerevan, Armenia
phone: +374 55 781874
ACTV նախագիծ. Ֆոկուս արվեստի ՀԿ Բոլոր նյութերն օգտագործելի և տարածելի են՝ միմիայն հեղինակի անունը նշելու և կայքի ակտիվ հղումը տեղադրելու պարտադիր պայմանով և ոչ առևտրային նպատակներով։ ACTV project. Focus Art NGO. All content on the website is free for use for non-commercial purposes and share-alike provided that authors and active links of materials are mentioned.